Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So I've been thinking about WHY I am so insistent on getting things together. It does seem a bit odd for me. I can't tell you how many times I have procrastinated in the past, even for important things. But this time, it's different. Is it the social climate? Let's be real....a lot of people are unhappy in this country. So much so, that all the nuts are coming out for the presidential race, the government seems to be trying to take away all of our important rights, and Congress....well they want to be the ruling class!!!

Is it because too many important variables are coming together at the same time? Could be. Is it the dreams? Good chance with that one. It's kinda hard to discount something when you're getting messages "from the beyond" (whatever beyond is for you).

But I think it ties into what Chad has been talking about. Psychological Preparation. I've been going over scenarios in my mind, talking them over, and trying to understand what I would do in certain situations. I'd rather do it now rather than when it's actually happening. I need time to process things correctly. But in the process of doing this, I find that I need to also start DOING as well.

Maybe it's a matter of crossing things off of this long list in my head. Are your finances in order? Check. How about food & water. Check. Ok, next step,..... I feel better knowing that not only are questions being answered, but things are in place. I won't be the one standing in the middle of the street going "what the hell is going on!". Ok, I might still be there....but then I can go back into my house and say "we are prepared, don't worry". And that is a very important thing to be able to say to my family. "It's ok kids. We've got it under control".

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